Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cigar Butts

Gotta get a laugh out of this one: despite the over-priced Habanos cigars, they cannot afford toilet paper. Of course they blame it on the embargo, coupled with the fact that other parts of the world don't even use toilet paper. Maybe if the lowered the price and opened up their economy, then they would have toilet paper. But I forgot...they have Universal Healthcare (Obamacare), they just cannot afford toilet paper. Maybe they will have to use communist newspaper (???) - but if not...I acknowledge this quote from Sir Winston Churchill

Via The Miami Herald
Cuba faces toilet paper shortage

I dedicate this post to the fake Habanos Cohiba Esplendidos - you know, the ones that come in the glass topped box- the ones that are purchased on the streets of Havana and other Latin American countries and in Laredo, Mexico - with no humidity in them. The ones that need lots of aging. The ones that sell for less than $200.00 per box. The veiny thin irregular wrappered ones with a bad draw. They may or may not be cuban tobacco. No need to review them, as many didn't draw well and didn't burn well - but they might make good tp?

Maybe they can use cigar butts...

1 comment:

  1. You can also check reality of a cohiba by tasting. If the dealer has got the sample from the box, then you can check the reality if you are an experienced smoker. One way or the another, either it is a fake or not, there is only one way to examine it. By smooking
